Falling Block Game
Development: FBG Reborn
When DeZine originally started, my main project was a Tetris-style puzzle game called (appropriately enough) Falling Block Game. I got about a third or so into the project and then realized updating DeZine was taking too much time, so I set out and made DML. Then came DML2. So basically, Falling Block Game has been at the bottom of the pile for quite a long time.
However, you are now about to witness the rebirth of Falling Block Game since I actually have time to work on it! I am feeling very confident that this will be the last time I need to work on Falling Block Game, because I plan on finishing this time. All the old info's basically gone (I may add it back in the future), but there's still a bit of info about the project on the Falling Block Game page.
Hopefully you're all as excited as I am! =)