Falling Block Game
Releases: FBG2 v0.4 Released
Falling Block Game 2 v0.4 is now available for Windows and Linux:
- Download FBG2 v0.4 for Windows (Installer)
- Download FBG2 v0.4 for Windows (Zip File)
- Download FBG2 v0.4 for Linux (.deb)
- Download FBG2 v0.4 for Linux (.rpm)
- Download FBG2 v0.4 Source Code
This release includes the following new features:
- Smoother special effects and graphical cleanup
- Improved sound effects
- Linux desktop entries and binary packages
As always, Falling Block Game includes high resolution graphics, background music, retro sound effects, customizable controls (defaulting to "z" and "x" for rotate and arrow keys for movement), joystick support, high scores lists, and two gameplay modes.
Falling Block Game's new buttery smooth special effects can be seen in the following gameplay video:
On a personal node, I'm proud to say that, after over 10 years of on-and-off development (mostly "off"...), Falling Block Game finally has all the features that were ever planned for it. Please give this release a shot and send along any bug reports. Once everything stabilizes, Falling Block Game will (finally) be declared complete!
Developing Falling Block Game from the ground up (twice) has been a great experience and I've learned a lot about writing/debugging cross-platform code, creating sound effects and 2D/3D graphics, promoting beta releases, and listening to feedback. Thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy playing Falling Block Game as much as I do!
If you'd like to keep up to date on my future work, check out the "Other Games" links on the left (namely Avoision). You can also head on over to the Radius Engine web site or follow @RadiusEngine. Most recently, I participated in last month's Ludum Dare 21 48-hour competition. Here are links to my entry and a post-mortem of the whole experience.